
Saturday, 10 March 2012


Structures - Taj Mahal

Take a virtual tour around the Taj Mahal and answer these questions:

  1. What do you notice about the shapes that have been used?
  2. What structural features can you identify?
  3. What materials have been used and why do you think they chose those materials?
  4. What problems do you think they may have encountered when building the Taj Mahal
  5. Why do you think it was designed like this?

    Taj Mahal Virtue Tour

Structures - Taj Mahal

Take a virtual tour through the Taj Mahal.
Why do you think it was designed like this?
What structural features can you identify?
What materials have been used?
What problems do you think they may have encountered when designing and building the Taj Mahal?

Taj Mahal virtue tour

Intellectual Property

Team Electrify have been looking at what is meant by 'Intellectual Property' and the laws and moral issues around it.

A recent example is Levi Hawkin who came up with the catch phrase : "Nek Minit"

A  T-shirt company is now making these: 

Do you think the T-shirt company should be giving some of the money to Levi Hawkin?

Friday, 9 March 2012

Crash!!! KAZAAM!! Bang!!

Team Electrify have been learning how using onomatopeia can help to hook the reader in to our autobiographies.

We looked at a classic batman episode then we made up our own movie using onomatopeia.

Watch the video and then leave us your favourite onomatopeia: