
Wednesday 10 November 2010

Pastels with Mike

A few weeks ago we had several talented artists come to share their skills with the seniors for a week. Everyone got to chose the activities they took part in, some examples were; soap carving, creative books, sculpting, drama and heaps more fun options.

I had the opportunity to participate in pastel drawing with Mike Glover. Mike taught us skills of using pastel. He covered such things as how to use the pastel effectivley, how to merge and blend the colours and lots of other bits of information. By the end of the afternoon we came away with 2 stunning peices of art.

By Mollie Room 7

Mike, Molly and Lucy displaying their work


  1. Wow guys, those pastel drawings look great! Mike Glover must be a really talented artist. Your post made me think that my school should have a day when all these artists come and teach us art. I've never done pastel drawing. Is it as easy as drawing with crayons? Keep up the good work!


  2. I like the art mollie from room 7 it is cool from zoe rainbow new zewland


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