
Tuesday, 31 August 2010

10 Minute Writing

My favorite place to shop is New World because it's not to far away.
It is very cheap, on Wednesdays.
There is always great customer service and the people at the cash register are really nice.
But the thing about going to New World is that you have to spend money!

By Philip

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

10 Minutes Writing

I was in bed. As I was drifting off to sleep I was thinking about lollies. I usually don’t think about anything but I was really hungry and my stomach was rumbling.Because lollies were my favorite they were stuck in my mind. As the clock ticked on I fell asleep.

“Welcome to the land of lollies,” said a voice in my head. I was visualizing a white cloudy land filled to the brim with lollies. Red ones, green ones, yellow ones and heaps more, but best of all they were all free!

As I strolled through the land I picked up some of what seemed to a cloud but no it was candy floss white on the outside and pink on the inside, it was so delicious, it just melted in my mouth. I had never tasted anything so good I picked up another mouthful then walked over try something else.

The lollies were just amazing, I had never tasted anything so good. I skipped around like something from another land. I was prancing around like I’d never done before. I ran over and started gutsing into something that looked like a tree but no it was actually Sherbet!

It was the best dream of my life!!!

Written by Lucy

10 Minutes Writing

My ideal land would be a Chocolate World, where everything is made of different flavored chocolate. When it rained it would rain Caramel Chocolate and when it snowed the snow would be White Chocolate. The bark on the ground would be Nut and Raisins Chocolate and the grass would be Peppermint. The waterfalls are melted chocolate and the sea is too.

A chocolate world would be awesome because if you got hungry you could take a bite out of anything, and if someone annoyed you, you could eat them all up, because obviously the people are chocolate too.

All of the food in my chocolate world is chocolate and no matter how much you eat you never put on any weight although you stay the same weight you were when you came here.

If I lived in a chocolate world I would be in 7th heaven. But sadly this isn’t a reality for me because I am only allowed to eat chocolate occasionally (even though I eat it slightly more often than that.)

Written by Emma-Rose

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Do we have to go to school to learn?

We are discussing: Is schooling important?
Can we get an education without going to school? Post a comment and give us your point of view!

Can we get an education without going to school?... at