
Wednesday, 25 June 2014

The Year 6 Night

On June 24, we held a parent evening for the Year 6 parents. We got to choose if we wanted to speak to the parents about how our classroom works and I said I wanted to. We had to write some notes and practice.
When it was the night, we assembled at school and had another short practice. Soon enough, the parents and some students started piling in through the door. Once everyone was seated, we made a good start. The learning section started first. Alice and I explained to the parents about how the learning works. I got to explain Pathways which was great! Alice seemed really confident and she did really well. I felt a bit shaky, but confident at the same time.
The night sped through and at the end, Liz and the teachers spoke. It was a great speaking experience, and I hope to do it again next year.

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