Fault In Our Stars #FIOS - John Green
Stars: **
Age: 13+
The Fault in Our Stars is a well written book. A nice flow and the characters are charming. But I don’t see the big deal over it! I know it was turned into a movie - and a good one too, but I didn’t feel the emotion in the book or the movie. I didn’t get why people made a fuss of it. It wasn’t much of a story when you really think about it. Cancer. Someone dies. The girl gets frustrated and upset and then happy.
There are real people who die from cancer everyday! There are real stories of people surviving cancer! That is what needs to be written.
The story gave too much away, too early! I could easily read into the story and figure out what’s going to happen next. One thing I did like about the book was the egg throwing at the car. So there was some imagination!
Overall, it’s a book (and a movie) that you either love it or hate it! I do like the effort the Mr Green put into making the book and all the research.